Friday, November 7, 2008

i g0t burned!!!

My hand was burned!!
ok this is wat happened:
earlier in school~
i went to the microwave to heat my pasta...
then after 2 minutes it's all done..
i removed it from microwave then put it on top of it...
i picked it up but i didn't realize that the c0ver of my lunch b0x was open...
then it spilled all over my hand...
i quickly ran to the
then washed it off...
it was really hot...
esp the cheese!!!
then i cleaned up the mess..
atleast only 1/4 of my pasta spilled...
now i hav this burn in my hand!!!!
atleast school did first aid and put dressing on it~
but for some reas0n it d0esn't
i kept on poking it...lmao...